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CBD for Sore Muscles

Many people have begun using CBD because of the numerous health and wellness benefits linked to it. While it is said to assist with sleep quality and anxiety, today we will ask the question of whether or not CBD can be used to help with soreness and muscle pain. For those fond of fitness and getting active, this information may be pretty significant. Communities surrounding CBD health and fitness are now advocating using CBD for fitness related soreness and recovery needs.

So, let’s see what the research says.

How CBD Impacts Inflammation

A 2018 review of 132 original studies published in Frontiers in Neurology revealed that CBD can reduce inflammation in the body and assist individuals with multiple sclerosis manage their pain and mobility levels. The author of the review noted that, “It is anti-inflammatory, antioxidative, antiemetic, antipsychotic, and neuroprotective.”

Additionally, a group of scientists has gathered the results of dozens of such tests from multiple systematic studies. They came to the conclusion that there was sufficient evidence to support the use of CBD as a therapy for muscle pain in adults.

CBD acts as an antioxidant, reducing oxidative stress and systemic inflammation. CBD may help relieve neuropathic pain (such as fibromyalgia or neuropathic back pain) by counteracting hyperalgesia and preventing declines in micro elements like zinc and selenium, which are crucial actors for a balanced immune response.

If you think CBD may be for you, keep reading to discover how to use it.

How to Use CBD to Reduce Soreness


Good topical CBD products are known to temporarily ease soreness and pain. Cannabinoid receptors are abundant in the skin, and when CBD is administered topically, it stimulates the endocannabinoid system via those receptors. CBD binds to cannabinoid receptors in the epidermal and dermal layers of your skin, which relieves pain and inflammation.

So, if you are using a topical product simply identify the area of your body where you are experiencing muscle soreness, and gently massage in the balm, lotion, or cream. Many CBD companies make a wide range of topical products including sore back cream, muscle rollers, and more.


While topical CBD provides relief specifically to the site at which it is applied, oral CBD creates a more systemic effect. Because it enters your bloodstream and can reach cannabinoid receptors across your entire body, oral CBD functions similarly to topical CBD, but on a whole-body level.

CBD comes in oils, tinctures, balms, lotions, creams, and more. If you’re interested in incorporating CBD into your healing routine, decide whether you’d like to ingest it or apply it to your skin for relief and pick out a product to explore.

Silver Rain Products for Sore Muscles:

Silver Rain is proud to provide a variety of high quality CBD products that are optimal for treating sore muscles.

If you are interested in topicals, consider trying out our “Healing” sore back cream, our “Recharge” muscle roll-on, or our “Move” joint spray.

If oral CBD sounds like a better option for you, our “Freedom” overall relief drops are optimal for general pain relief, including muscle and joint pain. Our “Heaven’s Secret” tension relief is also well suited for soothing sore and tense muscles.

Interested in more research findings and discourse surrounding CBD? Stay tuned with our blog for more material on CBD health and fitness!

*Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.